Creating Strong Passwords


One of the easiest ways to boost security of your accounts is by having a strong password. Most services do have certain password complexity requirements that your password has to meet when setting up your account. With that being said, it is easy to create a simple password that meets these password complexity requirements. But beware... that doesn't make your password strong. 


Here are some common password complexity requirements:

  • Must have at least 8 characters

  • Must have 3 of the following:

    • capital letter

    • lowercase letter

    • number

    • symbol

" Password1! " is a password that meets the above complexity requirements but definitely isn't a strong password. 

Here are some other guidelines that can help you create and remember a strong password:

  1. Longer passwords are better

  2. Avoid using common words

  3. Don't include any personal information in your passwords (date of birth, names, locations, etc)

  4. Use a different password for each account you have

    • If a password gets compromised, you won't have to go change your password for all of your accounts

  5. Utilize a password keeper program or app to store your passwords

  6. Use more characters than the minimum amount

  7. Use capital letters throughout the password

  8. Use a phrase or group of words

  9. Swap out letters in a word for numbers or symbols

    • Keyboard -> K3yB0@rd

    • A strong passphrase -> @_57r0ngP@5sphr@53

The next time you have to make a password, remember to make it strong.